Some of my best memories in golf are from when I was fifteen and a brand new player. In our endless summers, my friends and I would caddy in the mornings at the local country club, then play our more modest nine hole course until dark. We would putt for quarters in the pitch black until our parents’ headlights would pull into the lot and we’d be dragged home. We would play in the rain wearing our squishy Chuck Taylors, and dive into the ponds to retrieve our errant shots. We never paid for golfballs. Golf was pure joy.

It sounds cliche, but wow moments exist. Want to experience some real joy? Watch someone’s eyes light up when they hit a shot off the sweet spot. It is pure, and I wouldn’t change what I do for the world.

I started to feel that competitive drive coming on again. Though this time it was not a jones to play, but to get better as an instructor. I picked the brains of some of the world’s best teachers. I took advantage of the PGA of America’s education opportunities and became a PGA Master Professional. That puts me in the top 1% of all PGA Professionals.

You could say I’m a happy camper. I have combined my love of teaching with my competitive nature. Joy factor achieved.

The next mountain to climb was reaching more people. I decided that a website that endeavored to elicit that joy factor in thousands was the direction I needed to go. is a culmination of many things. It is in its infancy. It will grow. Come grow with me, and feel the joy.